Monday, September 15, 2008

Let the good times roll.

The absolute anger and frustration I'm experiencing right now demands action. Since this frustration is personal and work related, you will have to forgive me for not going into the gory details; trust me, you wouldn't want to hear it anyway. That said, tonight I plan on waltzing down to The Local and lifting more than a few pints. I will be gone. I aim to set the record James Rockford Memorial Drunk Scale Score. After I get done at The Local, it shall be showerbeer time.

I've been slacking off as far as going to new bars and writing about them is concerned (save for the horrible Bullwinkle's experience). So here we go: Write in and tell me what bar(s) you would like to see the Showerbeer Blog travel to. I promise nothing, other than that if I do go, my report will follow Hunter S. Thompson's suggested ratio for reportage: 50% action, 50% lies. My only request is that these bars (at least until Showerbeer Blog is franchised and I am making gobs of money) be located in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area. I am not going to drive to Duluth just for this blog, and I sure as hell ain't going to fly to Miami for it, either...

Warren Zevon's "Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School" is playing right now and I've got a feeling that weirdness will abound tonight. There is a full moon and the air is cool and pregnant with bad ideas being put into action quickly. Keep your eyes peeled for fires on the horizon and keep the station tuned to BBC news, for when the shit hits the fan, you will need to flee.

Improbable and grotesque mischief, strength and muscle and jungle work.

More soon...