Thursday, September 11, 2008

Braving the Depths of Seven Corners

Tonight, gentle reader, the Showerbeer Blog will voyage to a terrifying place, encounter strange, stupid people, and run the distinct possibility of getting beat up, all in the name of pseudo-journalism.

Yes, I will go to Bullwinkle's.

Bullwinkle's is quite possibly the worst of both worlds: a sports bar and a frat bar. What makes the douchebaggery quotient even higher is its location in the Seven Corners bar district, which is near the University of Minnesota campus and that it is within walking distance of the Metrodome, so on game nights I imagine this place would be filled with wall-to-wall assholes. That said, I will try my best not to judge based on reputation and surmises alone. The Showerbeer Blog will not be so prejudiced as to avoid bars just because their clientele repels yours truly. That said, I reserve the right to dole out harsh reviews and, quite possibly, encourage bums to urinate in said establishments' doorways.

Tune in tomorrow for a recap...


In my last post I waxed nostalgic (and drunkenly) about the end of summer and my looking forward to autumn, even though in our fair state the fall season lasts approximately two weeks. Anyway, as I was re-reading that post I realized that I forgot to include a list of my top ten favorite discoveries and obsessions of this last season, so here we go:

1. "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao"
-This book knocked it out of the park. Touch 'em all, Junot.

2. "Stay Positive"
-The theme for the summer. The Hold Steady's fourth album was released on my 33rd birthday and kicks some serious ass.

3. Jason Anderson
-A recent discovery. This guy is so earnest it makes me want to ralph sometimes, but another great songwriter in the Springsteen revivalist movement can't be a bad thing.

4. Netflix
-Yeah, I know- welcome to 2003, Darren.

5. Karaoke at O'Donovan's
-Finally. A karaoke night that isn't a.) filled with retards or b.) filled with people who are really good and make you feel like shit when you stumble your way through Rush's "Limelight".

6. O'Gara's
-I avoided this bar for a long time due to its association with the worst St. Paddy's Day could possibly offer in terms of moronic behavior. Aside from that night, it is a great neighborhood-style bar that makes me think back to grad school and McGoff's.

7. "Hangover Square"
-Patrick Hamilton's lost masterpiece about pre-war Londoners and schizophrenia.

8. Patty melts with Muenster Cheese on Pumpernickel
-My own drunken creation. It fucking rocks!

9."Killing Yourself to Live"
-Chuck Klosterman finally shows some heart in this book. It is even more personal than Fargo Rock City, and for moments here Klosterman loses his shtick and writes with something approximating compassion.

10. Very close friends publishing books
-The best from this list. Ben, Christina, congrats. You of all people deserve it.


christina said...

Uh oh, who drilled a hole in you and let out all that sap? It must be sentimental Friday 'round these parts!

Ahem. Thank you.

Darren said...

Actually, I was going to write about the time we gang-raped those mentally handicapped children on the way back from Detroit, but I opted for sap instead.

You're welcome :)